- First Create Two tables header and line
- Create Two forms as header (ListPage) and line (Normal form) (listpage datasource query must be created with two tables)
- In the header form and line form add the respective datasource i.e header and line table (in both the form)
- Create a menu item button in design node of Header Form actionpane and add a new method in it(under the button )
- Link the menu item button with line table menuitem (properties of menuitem button)
- Drag and drop the fields in the design node both the forms (grid format)
- Paste the code below in init method of line form
TestImport table1;
Important Note: screenshots based on my listpage you can do it in normal form also
small difference is menu item button in list page form will be created
in normal form button is used
final note: check the design field and button properties that are linked to the table
table1 = element.args().record();
- Open the header form and click the button you have created after selecting the record in grid
Important Note: screenshots based on my listpage you can do it in normal form also
small difference is menu item button in list page form will be created
in normal form button is used
final note: check the design field and button properties that are linked to the table
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